Wednesday, July 22, 2020

tag you're it!

I'm wondering from you all:

What are some tags or short phrases that describe ways in which you are living differently?  Leave a comment and let me know..

This will help me think about guest-posting and also fun for us all to see!


  1. It may be more accurate to say that I'm striving to live differently in terms of really digging in and educating myself about systems of oppression but also, related to the subjects I teach, trying to identify/collect/seek out examples where technology is being used to actively dismantle systems of oppression.

  2. The Simple Life
    Being neighborly to your actual neighbors
    Intentionality and Discernment
    Seeking Justice

  3. Some ways I'm living differently are choosing to work part-time so I have more time and space to work with the Pomona Pres youth group and engage with community life in Pomona as well as living simply so I can give generously.

  4. Too much wine
    More facial hair
    Crochet through the news

  5. #ConsciousConsumption
    #sustainability, and
